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Reg GTE Tender reference:MANPBT0003 dt. 31.05.2023 Due Date:14.06.2023 for Entering into Pre-Bid Tie-up for Design, Supply and Assembly of Floating System and Associated Anchoring & Mooring for development of 300MW AC Capacity Floating Solar Power Project

Posted on: May 31, 2023 | Back | Print

BHEL SBD Bangalore (India) invites you for participation in the Global Open Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Entering into Pre-Bid Tie-up for Design, Supply and Assembly of Floating System and Associated Anchoring & Mooring for development of 300MW AC Capacity Floating Solar Power Project as per BHEL Purchase Specification with following documents :

The Tender documents are uploaded in our BHEL Official Tender Site (www.bhel.com) under Tenders à Tender Notifications (Direct Link : https://www.bhel.com/pre-bid-tie-design-supply-and-assembly-floating-system-and-associated-anchoring-mooring-development)

It may please be noted that this tender is TWO PART BID SYSTEM and to be participated in Two Separate envelopes/Email as described below :

Mode of Submission :
(ii) E-Mail Mode : Offer to be submitted thru email to email ids specified below only:-

Part-I Bid : technicalbid-epd@bhel.in
Part-II Bid : pricebid-epd@bhel.in

1.  Tender reference & due date to be mentioned in subject of mail.

2.  Bidders may adopt this mode at their own risk. The Purchaser does not own any responsibility /liability for delays in receipt / loss of secrecy of such offers.

It shall be the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that the tender is submitted on or before the due date by 02:00 P.M. The offer has to be sent by e-mail only.

For detailed instructions. Please refer to the tender documents.:

Interested participants may please quote as per the tender requirement.

In case of any issue/problem/clarifications regarding this tender , you may please feel free to contact the undersigned.

Looking forward for an active participation.